
Start News Conferences 2nd Scientific Conference of Polish Sea Researchers

2nd Scientific Conference of Polish Sea Researchers

The main goal of the organizers of the conference is to consolidate the community of Polish researchers of seas and oceans representing all aspects of oceanographic research (biology, chemistry, physics and geology of the sea as well as issues of marine hydrotechnics and protection of the marine environment). The eCUDO project was presented in three presentations:

Electronic Center for Oceanographic Data Sharing -, - the launch of the National Oceanographic Data Center
Marcin Wichorowski IO PAN

Oceanographic data resources prepared for sharing as part of the Electronic Center for Oceanographic Data Sharing
Marek Zwierz IO PAN

Project of the system "Electronic Center for Oceanographic Data Sharing -"
Michał Piotrowski UG


Book of abstracts.

Powstańców Warszawy 55

81-712 Sopot, Poland

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