
Start News Publications We'll be flooded? Forecast of sea level rise

We'll be flooded? Forecast of sea level rise

The issue of climate change is still around us. The increasing rate of sea level rise shows the danger of climate change. Global sea level has risen by more than 20 cm since the 19th century. Decreasing the coast by about 1 mm annually in the Gulf of Gdańsk region may accelerate the rise in mean sea level by an additional 10-20 cm per century. It may result in flooding, among others the historic part of Gdańsk, Żuławy or the Hel Peninsula.

Link to the PAN communiqué on sea level rise:


And if not for the ocean, we would definitely have cooked ourselves in the context of the rising temperature. We also encourage you to read an interview with the director of IOPAN, Jan Marcin Węsławski!

The version in the form of an article:

Video version:

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