
Start News Conferences The 3rd Scientific Conference of Polish Sea Researchers entitled

The 3rd Scientific Conference of Polish Sea Researchers entitled

During the 3rd Scientific Conference of Polish Sea Researchers entitled "The state and trends of changes in the marine environment", project manager Marcin Wichorowski gave a lecture "Oceanographic Data and Information System access to data resources by scientific institutions" [R14]; Chairwoman and member of the Steering Committee dr hab. Mirosława Ostrowska gave a lecture "Spatial and temporal variability of primary production of the Baltic Sea in 2010-2019 in the light of data from the SatBałtyk System" [R8]. In both presentations, data and resources were discussed, along with the integration of this data in our project.


Conference website: 


Direct access to the book of abstracts: 



Photos from the photo report from the 3rd Scientific Conference of Polish Sea Researchers, 7-8 June 2022, NMFRI, Gdynia

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