
Start News Workshops Sopot Science Day entitled “Ocean of Changes” 2022

Sopot Science Day entitled “Ocean of Changes” 2022

On June 11, we had the pleasure to participate in the Sopot Science Day "Ocean of Changes" 2022, which took place on the grounds of our main Beneficiary, the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot. We had the opportunity to conduct an open, interactive discussion panel on "Almost everything about the Ocean. From data to knowledge based on eCUDO experience".

A moderated, interactive panel in which the audience is involved at all times, by voting in the context of the issues discussed, by raising hands and filling in survey questions, which will enrich the information obtained from the panel. An important element of the meeting is the use of Internet resources (tools and content) in a modern approach to the discussion on how to most effectively use environmental data resources, including ocean data, and what paths to build information transfer to the society.

We discussed with the participants how to effectively direct the public to search for reliable sources of information (fact checking) on ​​sustainable climate and ocean management. What actions are required? What social groups should be involved in this process? How can eCUDO resources be used?

The panel was a great opportunity for us to reach our target groups, primarily private individuals.


And finally, a small photo report from the Sopot Science Picnic "Ocean of Changes" 2022! Thanks to everyone for participating!


Photos: Stanisław Węsławski from Institute of Oceanology PAN, Dagmar Kołeczek-Sprawka from Kepler Science Center - Natural Center , Małgorzata Żywicka from Gdynia Aquarium



Powstańców Warszawy 55

81-712 Sopot, Poland

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