
Start News Media Documentary premiere eCUDO - Oceanographic Data and Information System

Documentary premiere eCUDO - Oceanographic Data and Information System

The eCUDO project aims to release the potential of oceanographic data that are collected during monitoring and scientific research carried out by project partners. The results of these observations are cataloged in a transparent and publicly accessible database. 


Project eCUDO is co-financed from European Regional Development Fund, Digital Poland Operational Program, II priority axis E-admin, no POPC.02.03.01-00-0062/18-00.


As part of the documentary, we would like to thank all partner institutions, i.e. the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, including r / v Oceania, the Maritime Institute of the Gdynia Maritime University, including the Laboratory of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, including Gdynia Aquarium and r / v Baltica, University of Gdańsk, including the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography and r / v Oceanograf, University of Szczecin and Pomeranian University in Słupsk.


In addition, the most sincere thanks go to all  who starred in the film, scientists and actors for their excellent cooperation.


Finally, thanks are also going to those who shared fragments of their own materials for the promotion of this documentary.


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eCUDO #InstytutOceanologiiPAN


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