Międzynarodowa komisja UNESCO do spraw Oceanu (IOC) zapoczątkowała w 1961 roku program wymiany danych i informacji - International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange programme (IODE) – który realizuje jeden z kluczowych celów Komisji, jakim jest rozwój i dzielenie się wiedzą o pojawiających się problemach powiązanych ze środowiskiem oceanicznym. IODE stanowi platformę kontaktu dla instytucji i organizacji badających i eksploatujących środowisko Oceanu i działających w kierunku budowania narzędzi dla zrównoważonego zarządzania zasobami i ochroną Oceanu. Istotnym elementem tej działalności jest organizacja spotkań przedstawicieli państw i organizacji członkowskich w formie konferencji.
Gospodarzem tegorocznego spotkania “International Ocean Data Conference 2022 – The Data We Need for the Ocean We Want” będzie lider projektu Instytut Oceanologii PAN.
Celami tej konferencji będzie rozważenie regionalnych i globalnych strategii i polityki potrzebnej do osiągnięcia cyfrowego ekosystemu, omówienie istniejących i wymaganych zmian technologicznych oraz metod ich wdrażania, jak również określenie przyszłych kierunków w zarządzaniu danymi i informacjami oceanicznymi. Wspomniane cele zostaną ponadto uwzględnione w wielosektorowej wizji Dekady Oceanu.
Konferencja odbędzie się w trybie hybrydowym, w Hotelu Sheraton w Sopocie oraz poprzez transmisję internetową.
Limit liczby uczestników w trybie stacjonarnym wynosi 130 osób.
Rejestracja do 31 stycznia do godz. 18 CET dla uczestników stacjonarnych
i do 11 lutego do godz 18 CET dla uczestników online.
Jeśli potrzebujesz więcej informacji napisz: conference@iode.org
Dla przyjeżdżających do Sopotu:
Miejscem konferencji będzie Hotel Sheraton w Sopocie. Biuro rezerwacji: reservation.sopot@sheraton.com
Dostępne są specjalne stawki grupowe: https://www.marriott.com
Inne hotele w okolicy: Booking.com
Hotel Sheraton znajduje się 1,1 km od dworca PKP Sopot i 18 km od portu lotniczego im. Lecha Wałęsy w Gdańsku.
Opcje dojazdu z lotniska:
TAXI - rekomendacja lotniska: Neptun Taxi (około 115 zł), Sopot taxi (około 90 zł), Uber też, rzecz jasna.
Autobus - linia 122 bezpośrednio z lotniska pod hotel Sheraton. cena biletu 4,40 zł
Kolej municypalna - trasa z lotniska z przesiadką na stacji Gdańsk Wrzeszcz. Cena około 6,8 zł.
Regulacje epidemiologiczne:
Wszyscy uczestnicy konferecji powinni być w pełni zaszczepieni szczepionką autoryzowaną przez Europejską Agencję Leków (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen oraz Novavax). Zgodnie z obowiązującymi obecnie przepisami uczestnicy przybywający spoza strefy Shengen zobowiązani są okazać negatywny wynik testu na obecność COVID-19, wykonanego nie później niż 24 godziny przed przekroczeniem granicy. Respektowane sa testy PCR oraz antygenowe. Od osób ze strefy Shengen testów nie wymaga się. Istnieje możliwość przeprowadzenia testu na lotnisku, jak również w Hotelu Sheraton i w licznych punktach w mieście.
Zachęcamy do sprawdzania bieżących informacji na stronie rządowej.
Program konferencji w języku angielskim
DAY 1: 14 February 2022
08:30 – 09:00
· Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin – IOC Executive Secretary
· Mr Mariusz Lewicki – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
· Prof. Jan Marcin Węsławski – Director of IO PAN
· Dr. Sergey Belov – IODE co-chair
1.1 The Global Ocean Data Ecosystem: status and way forward
Co chair: Yutaka Michida
09:00 – 09:09 [recording]
[1]The GOOS Observations Coordination Group Data Implementation Strategy and Mapping Global Ocean Network Data Flows
Kevin O’Brien
09:09 – 09:18 [on-site]
[2]The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet): A regional best practice towards global data sharing and interoperability
Kate Larkin, Jan-Bart Calewaert, Conor Delaney, Joana Beja, Thierry Schmitt, Alessandra Giorgetti, Sissy Iona, Dick M.A. Schaap, Henry Vallius, Alessandro Pititto, Antonio Novellino, Patrick Gorringe, Mickaël Vasquez, Helen Lillis and Eleonora Manca
video available in week of 21 February 2022
slides of presentations on site available here
09:18 – 09:27 [remote]
[3]Ocean FAIR Data Services – Two years on
Toste Tanhua, Sylvie Pouliquen, Jessica Hausman, Kevin O’Brien, Pip Bricher, Taco de Bruin, Justin J.H. Buck, Eugene F. Burger, Thierry Carval, Kenneth S. Casey, Steve Diggs, Alessandra Giorgetti, Helen Glaves, Valerie Harscoat, Danie Kinkade, Jose H. Muelbert, Antonio Novellino, Benjamin Pfeil, Peter L. Pulsifer, Anton Van de Putte, Erin Robinson, Dick M.A. Schaap, Alexander Smirnov, Neville Smith, Derrick Snowden, Tobias Spears, Shelley Stall, Marten Tacoma, Peter Thijsse, Stein Tronstad, Thomas Vandenberghe, Micah Wengren, Lesley Wyborn, Zhiming Zhao
09:27 – 09:36 [remote]
[4]Transform to OPen Science (TOPS)
Chelle Gentemann, Steve Crawford, Kevin Murphy, Katie Baynes, Yvonne Ivey, Kevin Ward, Emily Cassidy, Rahul Ramachandran, Manil Maskey, Yaitza Luna-Cruz, Chris Lynnes and Elena A. Steponaitis
09:36 – 09:45 [remote]
[5]All-Atlantic Ocean Data Enterprise 2030 – Common Standards For Information And Data Sharing
Olga Sato, Nicolas Dittert, Ana Rei and Nikki Funke
09:45 – 09:54[remote]
[6]Unleashing the power of data with blockchain
Aldo Drago
09:54 – 10:03 [remote]
[7]The Black Sea Reanalysis System In The Framework Of The Copernicus Marine Service
Leonardo Lima, Stefania Angela Ciliberti, Ali Aydoğdu, Simona Masina, Romain Escudier, Andrea Cipollone, Diana Azevedo, Salvatore Causio, Elisaveta Peneva, Rita Lecci, Emanuela Clementi, Eric Jansen, Mehmet Ilicak, Sergio Cretì, Laura Stefanizzi, Francesco Palermo and Giovanni Coppini
10:03 – 10:09 Q&A
10:09 – 10:19 Health break
1.2 Identifying data and information user needs at the national level
Co chair: Yutaka Michida
10:19 – 10:28 [remote]
[8]Coastal-Marine Research and Environmental Management: MSP for Coastal Regions Sustainable Development in Ukraine
Dmytro Cheberkus, Yurii Tuchkovenko and Sofiia Zherebchuk
10:28 – 10:37 [remote]
[9]EMODnet Biology: A European initiative with global influence
Joana Beja, Leen Vandepitte, Dimitra Mavraki, Vasilis Gerovasileiou, Tom Webb, Dan Lear, Bart Vanhoorne, Lennert Tyberghein and EMODnet Biology
10:37 – 10:46 [remote]
[10]Creating a sustained climate ocean observing system for societal benefit and risk awareness: the AMOC-ASAP approach
Johannes Karstensen, C. Bearzotti, J.-B. Calewaert, I. Castelão, S. Heymans, R. Higgings, K. Larkin, G.D. McCarthy, A, Novellino, A. Oliveira, S.M. Olsen, A.M. Piniella and K. von Schuckmann
10:46 – 10:55[remote]
[11]Value chains in public marine data – a UK case study
Clare Postlethwaite, Claire Jolly, Emma Heslop and James Jolliffe
For further details of this work, please refer to the paper here
1.3 Global data sharing: changes in data sharing policies
Co chair: Lidia Stępińska-Ustasiak
10:55 – 11:04 [remote]
[12]Governance and Business Models for Data Sharing
Tom Redd, Gry Ulverud, Martin S Moen, Inge Sandvik, Anna Silyakova, Mogens Mathiesen
11:04 – 11:13 [recording]
[13]Best Practice Data Standards for Discrete Chemical Oceanographic Observations
Li-Qing Jiang, Denis Pierrot, Rik Wanninkhof, Richard A. Feely, Bronte Tilbrook, Simone Alin, Leticia Barbero, Robert H. Burne, Brendan R. Carter, Andrew G. Dickson, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Dana Greeley, Mario Hoppema, Matthew P. Humphreys, Johannes Karstensen, Nico Lange, Siv K. Lauvset, Ernie R. Lewis, Are Olsen, Fiz F. Perez, Chrisopher Sabine, Jonathan D. Sharp, Toste Tanhua, Thomas W. Trull, Anton Velo, Andrew J. Allegra, Paul Barker, Eugene Burger, Wei-Jun Cai, Chen-Tung A. Chen, Jessica Cross, Hernan Garcia, Jose Martin Hernandez-Ayon, Xinping Hu, Alex Kozyr, Chris Langdon, Kitack Lee, Joe Salisbury, Zhaohui Aleck Wang and Liang Xue
11:13 – 11:19 Q&A
11:19 – 11:29 Health break
1.4 The future of global databases: what’s next for WOD, OBIS,…
Co chair: Lidia Stępińska-Ustasiak
11:29-11:38 [remote]
[14]Above and Beyond – Completing the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)
Leen Vandepitte, Wim Decock, Stefanie Dekeyzer, Bart Vanhoorne, Andreas Kroh and Tammy Horton
11:38 – 11:47 [remote]
[15]AquaDocs: Ensuring the FAIRness of ocean and aquatic research for the Ocean Decade and beyond
Sally Taylor, Ekaterina Kulakova, Lisa Raymond, Pauline Simpson, Tamsin Vicary and Jennifer Walton
11:47 – 11:56 [remote]
[16]The OBIS we need for the Ocean we want
Ward Appeltans, Nathalie Van Isacker, Nathalie Tonné, Pat Halpin, Sky Bristol, Eduardo Klein, Martha Vides and Anton Van de Putte
11:56 – 12:05 [remote]
[17]Development of standardized data management for a marine invasive species monitoring plan using environmental DNA sampling in Suva, Fiji
Saara Suominen, Joape Ginigini, Gilianne Brodie, Paayal Kumar, Pieter Provoost, Matthias Obst, Craig Sherman, Neil Davies, Christopher Meyer, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Pascal Hablutzel, Nic Bax, Frank Muller-Karger, John Deck, Ward Appeltans
12:05 – 12:14 [recorded]
[18]The World Ocean Database (WOD) Cloud: an international ocean and coastal quality-controlled open data discovery, access, and data ingestion tool
Hernan Garcia, Tim Boyer and WOD Team
12:14-12:20: Q&A
12:20-13:21: Lunch
1.5 Representation and inclusiveness in the global commons
Co chair: Adam Leadbetter
1.5.1 The small island dilemma: collecting, managing, sharing and using data with minimum resources
13:21-13:30 [remote]
[19]Autonomous and accessible vessel monitoring for small-scale fisheries
Samantha Cope, Brendan Tougher and Virgil Zetterlind
13:30 – 13:39 [remote]
[20]Democratising data for sustainable fisheries in the coastal tropics
Stephen Rocliffe, Katie Stone
1.5.2 Indigenous knowledge, information and data
13:39 - 13:48 [remote]
[21] 4 Oceans: Transgressing Time, Space, Indigeneity and Science
John Nicholls, Laoise Dillon
1.5.3 Citizen science data and information
13:48 – 13:57 [remote]
[22]Spotter Pro – powering regionally and organizationally targeted opportunistic and effort-based citizen science on mobile devices
Virgil Zetterlind, Deanna Richburg
13:57 – 14:06 [recording]
[23]Litter Intelligence: Quality Citizen Science Inspiring Litter Action
Camden Howitt
14:06 – 14:15 [on-site]
[24]Fishing from an ocean of data to foster the development of a knowledgeable and ocean friendly society
Tymon Zielinski, Marcin Wichorowski, Taco de Bruin, Izabela Kotynska-Zielinska, Tomasz Kijewski, Paulina Pakszys, Katarzyna Romancewicz and Aleksandra Koroza
video will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
1.5.4 LDCs
14:15 - 14:24 [on-site]
[25] Building ocean STI agreement platforms: findings, implications and lessons from a pilot experience on the South Atlantic
Iara Costa Leite, Carolina Veras Micheletti and Guilherme Kiraly Robles
video will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
1.5.5 Digitizing offline data and information
14:24 – 14:33 [recording]
[26]Creating interactive, visual, open data from historical rare books
Stephanie Ronan, Maurice Clarke
14:33 – 14:42 [recording]
[27]You digitized it, but now what? Exploring computational methods for extracting biodiversity data from historical collections
Amanda L. Whitmire
14:42 – 14:48 Q&A
14:48 – 14:58 Health break
2.1 Data system networking and interoperability technology and methodology: status report
Co-chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert
14:58 – 15:07 [remote]
[28]Blue-Cloud: the European marine thematic platform to explore and demonstrate the potential of Open Science for ocean sustainability
Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Dick M. A. Schaap, Pasquale Pagano, Julia Vera and Dominique Obaton
15:07 – 15:16 [remote]
[29]Using a cloud-based architecture to lower the barrier to accessing open ocean data (WOD, OBIS)
Tara Zeynep Baris, Jo Øvstaas and Thomas Fredriksen
15:16 – 15:25 [recording]
[30]Portal proliferation or strengthening the ocean data network
Laura Hanley, Oliver Williams and Natasha Taylor
15:25 -15:34 [remote]
[31]EMODnet Physics – connecting the data dots
Antonio Novellino, Patrick Gorringe
15:34-15:43 [remote]
[32]Towards a metadata profile for Marine Spatial Plans in Europe
Adam Leadbetter, Alexia Attard, Andrej Abramic, Andrew Conway, Elizabeth Tray, Monica Campillos, Joni Kaitaranta, Adeline Souf, Alessandro Sarretta, Olivdo Tello, Michail Vaitis and Clara Zimmer
15:43 – 15:49 Q&A
15:49 – 16:00 Health break
16:00 – 16:09 [remote]
[33]Connecting Essential Ocean Variables to datasets using the I-ADOPT interoperability framework ontology and smart mappings
Gwenaelle Moncoiffe, Alison Pamment and Alexandra Kokkinaki
presentation slides with information
16:09 – 16:18 [remote]
[34]Digital Twins of the Ocean through Interoperability of existing and future Ocean Data Systems
Ute Brönner, Kristine Bauer, Arne J. Berre, Uwe Freiherr von Lukas, Jay Perlman, Georgios Sylaios and Martin Visbeck
2.2 Joining multi-sectoral data: experiences and required action
Co-chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert
16:18 – 16:27 [remote]
[35]Technical solution for harmonizing EU Maritime Spatial Planning within EMODnet
Andrej Abramic, Joni Kaitaranta, Jose Santiago, Marta Ballesteros, Alessandro Sarretta, Alessandro Pititto and MSP Assistance Mechanism
2.3 The IOC Ocean Infohub: experiences and next steps
Co-chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert
16:27 – 16:36 [remote]
[124]The Ocean Infohub Project
Lucy Scott, Zulfikar Begg, Pier Luigi Buttigieg and Peter Pissierssens
16:36 – 16:45 [remote]
[36]Providing Information for the Ocean Infohub
Sandra Sá, Sérgio Bryton
2.4 Data and information products and services: new developments
Co-chair: Kirsten Isensee
16:45 – 16:54 [remote]
[37]ProtectedSeas Navigator – how regulation-centered marine protected area data improves marine protection assessments
Timothe Vincent, Claire Colegrove, Alex Driedger and Jennifer Sletten
17:03-17:12 [on-site]
[39]C-RAID: improve the access to historical drifter data: Copernicus Reprocessing of Argos and Iridium Drifters (C-RAID)
Thierry Carval, Patricia Zunino Rodriguez, Jean Philippe Rannou, Paul Poli, Frédérique Blanc and Christophe Billon
video will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
17:12-17:21 [remote]
[40]A global ocean oxygen database and atlas for assessing and predicting deoxygenation and ocean health in the open and coastal ocean
Marilaure Grégoire, Véronique Garçon, Hernan Garcia, Denise Breitburg, Kirsten Isensee, Andreas Oschlies, Maciej Telszewski, Alexander Barth, Henry Bittig, Jacob Carstensen, Thierry Carval, Fei Chai, Francisco Chavez, Daniel Conley, Laurent Coppola, Sean Crowe, Kim Currie, Minhan Dai, Bruno Delflandre, Boris Dewitte, Robert Diaz, Emilio Garcia-Robledo, Denis Gilbert, Alessandra Giorgetti, Ronnie Glud, Dimitri Gutierrez, Shingeki Hosoda, Masao Ishii, Gil Jacinto, Chris Langdon, Siv K. Lauvset, Lisa A. Levin, Karin E. Limburg, Hela Mertens, Ivonne Montes, Wajih Naqvi, Aurélien Paulmier, Benjamin Pfeil, Grant Pitcher, Sylvie Pouliquen, Nancy Rabalais, Christophe Rabouille, Virginie Recape, Michaël Roman, Kenneth Rose, Daniel Rudnick, Jodie Rummer, Catherine Schmechtig, Sunke Schmidtko, Brad Seibel, Caroline Slomp, U. Rashid Sumalia, Toste Tanhua, Virginie Thierry, Hiroshi Uchida, Rik Wanninkhof and Moriaki Yasuhara
17:21-17:27 Q&A
17:27 Adjournment
19:00-… ice breaker (reception) at the IOPAN institute offered to all on site participants
DAY 2: 15 February 2022
Co-chair: Kirsten Isensee
09:00 – 09:09 [remote]
[41]ASFA Subject Vocabulary: supporting internationalisation of ocean science through participation in AGROVOC
Tamsin Vicary
09:09 – 09:18 [remote]
[42]PORTO Online – Featured data services in practice
Aldo Drago, Audrey Zammit, Adam Gauci, Anthony Galea, Joel Azzopardi, Raisa Galea de Giovanni, Giuseppe Ciraolo, Fulvio Capodici, Salvatore Aronica, Alessio Langiu, Giovanni Giacalone, Ignazio Fontana, Rosario Sinatra, Elisabetta Paradiso, Salvatore Campanella and Vincenzo Ruvolo
09:18 – 09:27 [remote]
[43]Increasing FAIRness of marine data within ENVRI-FAIR
Sylvie Pouliquen, Thierry Carval, Valerie Harscoat, Peter Thijsse , Ivan Rodero , Benjamin Pfeil, Katrina Exter and ENVRI-FAIR WP9 partners
09:27 – 09:36 [remote]
[44]Baltic Data Flows
Matthew Richard
09:36 – 09:45 [remote]
[45]Imardis – A Data Infrastructure Serving the Needs of the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector
David Mills, Noel Bristow, Cathy Blakey, Gwyn Roberts, Sudha Balaguru and Vahid Seydi
09:45 – 09:54 [recording]
[46]New Developments with the Open Access to the GTS (Open-GTS) project
Kevin O’Brien, Kevin Kern, Bill Smith, Darin Figurskey, Darren Wright, Brian Tetreualt, Greg Johnson, Hermann Asensio, Antje Schremmer, Kai-Thorsten Wirt, Simon Elliot and David Berry
09:54 – 10:00 Q&A
10:00 – 10:10 Health break
Co-chair: Mika Odido
10:10 – 10:19 [recording]
[47]Navigating an Ocean of Data: Approaches for Sharing Novel USV Data with Existing Data Centers
Kimberley Sparling, Eric Lindstrom
10:19 – 10:28 [on-site]
[48]Ocean Acidification Data for Sustainable Development – implementing an interoperable infrastructure
Benjamin Pfeil, Kirsten Isensee, Katherina Schoo, Pieter Provoost and Oliver Clements
recording will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
10:28 – 10:37 [on-site]
[49]SeaDataNet – further upgrading and improving FAIRness of the SeaDataNet CDI Data Discovery & Access service
Dick M.A. Schaap, Michèle Fichaut
recording will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
10:37 – 10:46 [on-site]
[50]Innovations in remote and autonomous ocean data acquisition systems to enable the digital twin of the ocean
Louis Demargne, Lex Veerhuis, Ivar de Josselin de Jong and Hugh Parker
recording will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
10:46 – 10:55 [remote]
[51]Novel software for oceanographic cruise planning, execution and results database management
Sharon Z Herzka, Saúl Delgadillo-Rodríguez, Carmina Llamas, Paula Ramírez
10:55 – 11:04 [remote]
[52]Towards a comprehensive, FAIR, ocean biogeochemical data product system
Nico Lange, Toste Tanhua, Benjamin Pfeil, Siv Lauvset, Are Olsen, Dorothee Bakker, Björn Fiedler, Annette Kock, Henry Bittig, Reiner Schlitzer and Arne Kötzinger
11:04 – 11:10 Q&A
11:10 – 11:20 Health break
Co-chair: Simona Simoncelli
11:20 – 11:29 [remote]
[53]New products and services based on HF radar data in the RAIA Observatory (NW Iberian Peninsula)
Silvia Piedracoba, Silvia Allen-Perkins, Garbiñe Ayensa, Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul, Ana Basañez, Alexandre Costa, Carlos Fernandes, Miguel Gilcoto, Pablo Lorente, Jose Matos, Pedro Montero, Lino Oliveira, Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri, Waldo Redondo, Gabriel Rosón, Mª Isabel Ruíz, Catarina Ribero, João Seca, Silvia Torres, Ramiro Varela, Marta Vázquez, Begoña Vila and Jose Ramón Viqueira
11:29 – 11:38 [remote]
[54]Climatological distribution of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the Western Mediterranean Sea (1981-2017)
Malek Belgacem, Katrin Schroeder, Alexander Barth, Charles Troupin, Bruno Pavoni, Patrick Raimbault, Nicole Garcia, Mireno Borghini and Jacopo Chiggiato
11:38 – 11:47 [remote]
[55]EMODnet Bathymetry – establishing the best digital bathymetry for European seas
Thierry Schmitt, Dick M. A. Schaap and George Spoelstra
11:47 – 11:56 [remote]
[56]EMODnet Seabed Habitats: collecting habitat maps once, using many times
Helen Lillis, Eimear O’Keeffe, Aldo Annunziatellis, Sabrina Agnesi, Harriet Allen, Lewis Castle and Jordan Pinder
11:56 – 12:05 [recording]
Ryan P Abernathey, Chelle Gentemann
12:05 – 12:14 [recording]
[58]A cloud-based tool for standardized and integrated oceanographic data access: A CCADI use case for ocean acidification key variable collections in Baffin Bay, Canada
Claire Herbert, Tahiana Ratsimbazafy, Yanique Campbell, Tonya Burgers, Pascal Guillot and Tim Papakyriakou
12:14 – 12:20 Q&A
12:20 – 13:30 Lunch
Co-chair: Claudia Delgado
13:30 – 13:39 [on-site]
[59]SeaDataCloud data products and value chain through a collaborative approach
Simona Simoncelli, Christine Coatanoan, Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Örjan Bäck, Helge Sagen, Serge Scory, Paolo Oliveri, Gelsomina Mattia, Kanwal Shahzadi, Nadia Pinardi, Alexander Barth, Charles Troupin, Reiner Schlitzer, Michèle Fichaut and Dick M.A. Schaap
video will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
13:39 – 13:48 [remote]
[60]EMODNET Geology – harmonizing geological data of the European seas and beyond
Susanna Kihlman, Herny Vallius and EMODnet Geology partners
13:48 – 13:57 [remote]
[61]Cal/Val web-based applications for the Mediterranean and Global Ocean Forecasting Systems
Vladyslav Lyubartsev, Nadia Pinardi, Emanuela Clementi and Simona Masina
13:57 – 14:06 [remote]
[62]Emerging Data Management Practices and Infrastructure for the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System
Reyna Jenkyns, Jonathan Pye and Pauline Chauvet
14:06 – 14:15 [on-site]
[63]Oceanographic data and information system for Polish NODC initiative
Marcin Wichorowski, Krzysztof Rutkowski, Michał Wójcik, Lena Szymanek, Urszula Pączek and Mirosława Ostrowska
video will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
14:15 – 14:24 [on-site]
[64]SatBałtyk System, the data sharing platform and a modern tool for the Baltic Sea monitoring
Mirosława Ostrowska, Mirosław Darecki, Adam Krężel, Dariusz Ficek and Kazimierz Furmańczyk
video will be published in the week of 21 February 2022
14:24 – 14:30 Q&A
14:30 – 14:40 Health break
2.5 Leaving no one behind: the need for ocean data and information capacity development and IOC’s role
Co-chair: Claudia Delgado
14:40 – 14:49 [remote]
[65]Role of Invemar’s Regional Training Center on Ocean and Information Capacity Development for Spanish Speakers Community
Paula Cristina Sierra-Correa, Francisco A. Arias-Isaza
14:49 – 14:58 [remote]
[66]Data Inclusivity and stewardship in blue resources sustainability in the decade of action
Isa Elegbede Olalekan
2.6 Data Science: scientific insight through data management
Co-chair: Paula Cristina Sierra-Correa
14:58 – 15:07 [remote]
[67]How the marine data management at European scale can provide quality datasets to evaluate marine litter issues and contribute to the improvement of the existing monitoring processes
Matteo Vinci, Maria Eugenia Molina Jack, Alessandra Giorgetti, Alexia Cociancich, Alessandro Altenburger, Elena Partescano, François Galgani, Amandine Thomas, Erwann Quimbert and Morgan Le Moigne
15:07 – 15:16 [remote]
[68]Marine biodiversity advances in a digital era
Hanieh Saeedi
15:16 – 15:25 [remote]
[69]Which ocean data do we need to develop a forecasting system for shellfish safety?
Pedro Reis Costa, Susana Rodrigues, Sónia Pedro and Marta Belchior Lopes
15:25 -15:34 [remote]
[70]Toward a Fully Automated NonLinear Quality Control of Temperature and Salinity Historical Datasets For Ocean Climatology
Kanwal Shahzadi, Nadia Pinardi and Antonio Navarra
3.1 Converging on multi-stakeholder best practices in data and information management (what are good practices in science, operations and how to build bridges between these domains)
Co-chair: Juliet Hermes
15:34-15:43 [remote]
[71]Enhancing FAIR in situ data delivery: EuroGOOS recommendations for the Ocean Decade
Sylvie Pouliquen, Dina Eparkhina, Simona Simoncelli, Julien Mader, Gisbert Breitbach, Thierry Carval, Arnfinn Morvik, Joaquín Tintoré, Patrick Gorringe, Antonio Novellino, Emma Reyes, Juan Gabriel Fernández, Marta de Alfonso, Johana Linders, Begoña Pérez Gómez, Benjamin Pfeil, Veselka Marinova, Virginie Racapé, Dick M.A. Schaap, Peter Thijsse, Susanne Tamm and Leonidas Perivoliotis
15:43-15:52 [recording]
[72]Bringing together sediment quality data from Regulatory, environmental assessment and monitoring sources to inform marine applications and provide a ‘one stop shop’ for stakeholders
Jemma Anne Lonsdale, Claire Mason and Sylvia Blake
15:52-15:58 Q&A
15:58-16:08 Health break
16:08 – 16:17 [recording]
[73]Towards harmonization of monitoring methods and data sharing for ocean surface microplastics
Office of Policies against Marine Plastics Pollution, Ministry of the Environment, Japan, Keiji Nakashima and Yutaka Michida
16:17 – 16:26 [remote]
[74]Digitising methodologies and catalysing best practice development and exchange: the status and future of the IOC Ocean Best Practices System in the ocean’s digital ecosystem
Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Johannes Karstensen, Frank Muller-Karger, Jay Pearlman and Pauline Simpson
3.2 Expanding the pool: new partnerships (private sector, other digital stakeholder groups)
Co-chair: Juliet Hermes
16:26 – 16:35 [remote]
[75]Partnering with Stakeholders: The Moana Project’s Te Tiro Moana and Mangōpare Sensor Programme
Julie Jakoboski, John Radford, João Marcos Azevedo Correia de Souza, Malene Felsing and Moninya Roughan
16:35 – 16:44 [remote]
[76]Implementation of the Salvamares Program and the creation of the PESCADATA-SNP of the Peruvian marine ecosystem.
Salvador Peraltilla, Erika Meneses Yance, Anibal Aliaga Rosales and Jorge Risi Mussio
16:44-16:53 [remote]
[77]The Private Sector: A Key Data Partner in Implementing the Ocean Decade
David Millar
16:53-17:02 [remote]
[78]EMODnet Chemistry: harmonising and consolidating in Europe for a global engagement
Alessandra Giorgetti, Chiara Altobelli and Dick M.A. Schaap
3.3 Future proofing of our digital commons towards AI and model-ready data
Co-chair: Juliet Hermes
17:02-17:11 [remote]
[79]AI-Driven Indonesia’s National Ocean Data Center
Hammam Riza, Andi Eka Sakya, Marina Frederik and Imam Mudita
3.4 How to include/involve ECOPs and students in data and information management
Co-chair: Juliet Hermes
17:11-17:20 [remote]
[80]Contribution of Sandwatch to ocean data collection and sharing during the Ocean Decade
Sachooda Ragoonaden
17:20-17:26 Q&A
17:30 Adjournment
DAY 3: 16 February 2022
4.1. The Ocean Decade Vision: data as an integral part of the Ocean Decade Challenges (Presentations and panel discussion with audience)
09:00-09:30: Setting the scene
Moderator: Dick Schaap (MARIS, SEADATANET)
Panelists: Bjorn A Saetren (FAIRDO), Rishi Sharma (FAO), Ward Appeltans (OBIS), Emma Heslop (GOOS)
10:15-10:30 Health break
4.2 Coordinating the co-implementation of the Ocean Decade’s Digital Vision (Presentation and panel discussion with audience).
10:30-11:00: Introductory presentations
11:00-11:45 – Panel discussion with audience on the co-implementation of the Ocean Decade’s Digital Vision and current state of play regarding data in the Ocean Decade
Moderator: Jan-Bart Calewaert (EMODnet)
Panelists: Pier Luigi Buttigieg (GEOMAR, ODIS), John Siddorn (NOC, DITTO), Nadia Pinardi (University of Bologna, COASTPREDICT), Gry Ulverud (C4IR)
11:45-12:00 Concluding remarks and wrap up – Next steps for the Ocean Decade Data Coordination Platform and opportunities for ocean (data) community involvement (Terry McConnell, IOC)
13:00-…: Lunch
Organizacja konferencji:
Komitet planowania:
Ustalenie tematów sesji, określenie formarów prezentacji, i przygotowanie ich opisów, identyfikacja odbiorców sesji, wyraża zgodę na publikowanie wyników konferencji.
Marcin Wichorowski
Sergey Belov
Taco De Bruin
Pauline Simpson
Jay Pearlman
Yutaka Michida
Lucy Scott
Pier Luigi Buttigieg
Kateryna Kulakova
Annemie Janssen
Ariel Troisi
IOC Decade Coordination Unit (Julian Barbière)
IODE Secretariat (Sofie De Baenst)
Komitet naukowy:
Publikowanie ogłoszeń o naborze abstraktów, recenzowanie ich oraz selekcja nadesłanych propozycji.
Marcin Wichorowski
Sergey Belov
Taco De Bruin
Adam Leadbetter
Johannes Karstensen
Lucy Scott
Mirosława Ostrowska
Tymon Zieliński
Sławomir Sagan
Pier Luigi Buttigieg
Sky Bristol
Dan Lear
Hanieh Saeedi
Carlos Torres
Hernan Garcia
Karim Hilmi
Di Wan
Tanya Silveira
Julian Barbière (IOC Decade Coordination Unit)
Lokalny komitet organizacyjny:
Organizacja centrum konferencyjnego, akomodacji gości, katerinku itp. Współpraca z sekretariatem IODEE, komitetem planowania i komitetem naukowym w kwestiachm praktycznych, aranżacja oprawy medialnej konferencji oraz przygotowanie publikacji materiałów konferencyjnych, w tym logo, banerów itp.
Marcin Wichorowski (head of the local organizing committee)
Mirosława Ostrowska
Paulina Pakszys
Joanna Potrykus
Monika Zabłocka
Justyna Meller
Joanna Stoń-Egiert
Iwona Szałucka
Urszula Pączek
Lena Szymanek
Andrzej Giza
Dariusz Ficek
Witold Cieślikiewicz
Sofie de Baenst (IODE secretariat)
Kristin de Lichtervelde (IODE secretariat)
Taco De Bruin (IODE co-chair)
Jeśli masz pytania: conference@iode.org
O konferencji napisali:
UNESCO-IOC https://ioc.unesco.org/news/international-ocean-data-conference-2022-data-we-need-ocean-we-want
IODE https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=645&Itemid=100407
COPERNICUS https://www.copernicus.eu/en/events/events/international-ocean-data-conference-2022
EC MSP https://maritime-spatial-planning.ec.europa.eu/events/international-ocean-data-conference-2022-data-we-need-ocean-we-want
Ta konferencja jest dofinansowana z Funduszy Europejskich w ramach Projektu Operacyjnego Polska Cyfrowa, 2.2 Oś priorytetowa E-administracja i otwarty rząd, w ramach projektu eCUDO.pl
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