
Start News Scientific news The algae farms will reduce the methane emissions to the atmosphere.

The algae farms will reduce the methane emissions to the atmosphere.

Construction of the first farm and processing plant to turn red seaweed into a feed supplement for cows to reduce their methane production by 90 per cent is expected to begin mid next year in South Australia!


The farms are relying on Australian CSIRO research which found that Asparagopsis red seaweed mixed with regular cattle feed reduced methane production by 90 percent. In addition, such algae farms reduce ocean acidification, reduce excess nutrients in the water from agricultural runoff or waste, and their use alone reduces the methane produced by cows and sheep.


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Another example is the Aqualia company from Andalusia, Spain. In 3 hours, they produce algae in special pools, which are then fed with sewage for 3 days. Then, using flotation, they are separated, successively converted into biogas or methane, and thanks to the oxygen produced by algae, clean water is recovered from the wastewater, which is suitable for reuse, e.g. supplying water and sewage systems. When creating biofuel, the company is able to refuel with sewage! Their production is enough to emit 30 million cars.


We are all looking for innovative ideas in nature, both to limit the production of carbon dioxide and to provide access to fresh, clean water, and this is what we call BIONICA. It is a science that uses the processes that control the operation of organisms in various fields of technology.


See also:,282451.html




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