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Seismic thermometry

Ocean depths, below 2000m below sea level, are beyond the reach of the ARGO system, monitoring changes in the temperature of the world's Ocean with 4,000 devices. The gap can be filled with observations of the propagation of sound waves generated by underwater earthquakes and volcanic activity. The computational method, which uses the phenomenon of different speed of sound propagation in water of different temperature, was developed by So Wenbo Wu, a seismologist from the Caltech. Signals were collected from the section in the equatorial East Indian Ocean between 2005 and 2016. Based on data from more than 2,000 events originated from the same locations, he calculated that the depths of the Ocean heat up at a rate of 0.044 ° C per decade, which is higher than the current calculations.

Original article in Science


Picture: Wenbo Wu et al. 2020

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