
Start News Workshops Lecture on International School on INtegrated Environmental Studies in the Arctic (INES) with respect to climate changes

Lecture on International School on INtegrated Environmental Studies in the Arctic (INES) with respect to climate changes

From 4 October to 8 October the International School on INtegrated Environmental Studies in the Arctic (INES) with respect to climate changes took place. It was a second edition of this school entitled  the role of climate feedbacks, provided in a form of online event.


The main goal of the School is to facilitate international and interdisciplinary cooperation in studies on the interactive effects of climate change on Arctic natural environment and both local and global societies. This practical course is designed for early career scientists (graduate students, PhD students and young researchers, up to 2 years after completion of PhD) who want to gain confidence, experience and in-depth knowledge about the interdisciplinary Arctic, with a special emphasis on science fieldwork.


Among the presentations we had there a lecture by Marcin Wichorowski, "Decade of data – quality, availability of the SIOS data". This talk, beyond of promoting SIOS dataset promotes also eCUDO project, by the data revolution development in terms of management to open source unified and digitized dataset.


More details on the dedicated website


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