
Start News Conferences CommOcean 2020, 4th International Marine Science Communication Conference

CommOcean 2020, 4th International Marine Science Communication Conference

This week we took part in CommOcean 2020, 4th International Marine Science Communication Conference. Due to COVID-19 CommOCEAN2020 was a virtual event hosted and maintained also by our Institute. We took part in as a scientific committee, organizing and local organizing committee

During the conference we were chairing a lot of sessions and also presenting our last communication and educational experience: 

A short description of our presentations are here, while full program is available here.


CommOCEAN 2020 aims to provide communication skills and inspiration to communicators across a range of experience levels. Many sessions are suitable for all, but some elements of the programme will run simultaneously and are tailored for those looking to build their communications skills and to those looking to move their communications to the next level.


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